Physiotherapy, Graham Hadley

I have had the honour of helping people heal for over 23 years.

HPC Logo I am HCPC registered in the UK as a Physiotherapist and am a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, since 2010. I qualified in physiotherapy at the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1994. I also held Physical Therapist and Massage Therapist licenses in Hawaii, USA.

In Hawaii I ran my own physiotherapy private practice for 10 years. See Hadley Rehab Inc for details.

I graduated from the 2 year, 2200 hour, Shiatsu Therapy course at Kikkawa College in Toronto, Canada in 1987. Since then I have been a Certified Shiatsu Therapist (CST) recognised by the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Ontario.

Upledger Institute is the premier international educational source for craniosacral therapy. I have attended five training workshops and have deeply integrated craniosacral therapy into my therapeutic approach.

Noticing the benefits, I have also practised Reiki, Kripalu yoga, Uechi Ryu martial arts (black belt), chi kung, and Vipassana meditation. I started teaching Dr Lam's Tai Chi for Falls Prevention program in 2016.


07500 463 715

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